Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is All My Children Messed Up Or What?

I feel the show is so messed up right now. First of all how can Dixie be alive when she was poisoned and there were past episodes where she welcomed people into what was suppose to be heaven. I am thinking she is held up in the same building that Erica is in and that David has something to do with where she is. That is another story line that is bugging me the one where this woman calling herself Jane is suppose to be Erica with JAck yet she is sleeping with David, i guess she does not care that she is ruining Erica's relationship with Jack. I wonder when it will end so the real Erica can be back with her family i am getting tired of that story dragging on forever. Then there is Marissa, i really liked the idea of her and JR getting back together now all of a sudden the writers changed things around to where she wants to be with Bianca instead well if not JR then i would of rather seen her with Scott and i wonder what AJ and everyone else will think now. Half the time i wonder why i even watch the show but i guess i am curious as to what will happen next and i along with many others hate the fact that it will be over in September. Yes i did hear where it will continue online but who knows how that will work out and how many cast members will actually still be part of the show. It seems to me that if it can continue online that it should still be allowed on television as well.

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