Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Severe chest cold for 10 weeks- how to make it go away?

It hit me like a freight train on October 23 2009. I woke up with a horrible, deep chest cough and wheeze. I'm 32 and a distance runner- I've never smoked. Usually I skip the doctor for colds, but Ive been there 5 times for this cough. Clean x-ray, healthy vitals & labs- neither Tamiflu nor antibiotics did a thing. My doc suggested Xanax (which I refused). Over the last 10 weeks Ive tried just about everything, but I'm still coughing up buckets of phlegm. Any suggestions?

Fantasy Cybersunday results. Title changes plus more . What u think?

This is just for fun & in no way bashing wrestling. Consider this as a version of Celebrity Deathmatch. Welcome to Fantasy Cybersunday. We go to the first match. Wwe Women's Champ Cammy defends Vs Miss Piggy as she was voted by the fans. A good opener as Piggy gave it her all. Piggy had it won but ercup distracted the Ref. As this was happening Poisoon Ivy hit Piggy with Cammy's belt. Cammy was going to pin Piggy when Chun-Li attacked her with a chair getting Piggy Dq'd but didn't care as she hit Cammy with a chairshot to the face sending her out the ring. ercup & Ivy tried to attack Li but where also hit with chairshots for their troubles. 2) Ernie & Bert Vs Pooh & Piglet in a cage match was next as voted by the fans.= A bloody & wild match. Ernie used his loaded Rubber Ducky on Pooh . Ref counted to 3 with Ernie & Bert winning a very close one. 3)Jolly Green Giant Vs Grover was up next as Grover was voted in. Giant was already in the ring waiting for Grover. Brb pt 2

Vacation spot in the US for a guaranteed white Christmas?

My family wants to rent a cabin or cottage in the US for Christmas vacation. We want to go somewhere where it'll be cold and snowy most definitely. We want a place that is as close to Texas as possible, but still have snow and cold weather. Thank you!

Obama supporters, how do you respond to this?

It's bull crap from a "Pro Israel group" that is pulling for McCain. Real Jewish people are pulling for Obama, cause we know that Bush/Rep's will cause WW 3

Revised trilogy idea- Need oppinions?

change names to trogdor the burninator, grabnar the wanderer, ramrod the destroyer, or steve. that would make it better. Lionheart?????????

Should i tell him we might be about to hear the pitter patter of little feet?

I just want to say that I don't see how you can afford a baby. Do you realize that by not living at home you are not covered under your parents health insurance anymore? How will you pay doctor bills? Hospital Bills? How will you cover the baby under insurance for doctor appointments? Medication? Your plan also relies on your boyfriend working. What if you guys break up? Do you have a job? Do you have a car? Do you have a way of supporting yourself? I feel like you're going to just lean on your parents, but if you're going to be a parent then you should be an adult and take care of yourself. Anyway, obviously your boyfriend is going through a very hard time. You need to be there for him. He's smoking, which is illegal at his age, but not the worst thing ever. Give him some time and don't bug him about stuff. I would tell him about finding out that you're pregnant. Tell him in a sensitive way. Cook him a nice dinner, give him a back rub, then tell him that you need to tell him something and you hope it will make him happy. Then just tell him that you found out a few days ago or whatever it was, that you are pregnant. Give him time to let it sink in. If he isn't happy right away, don't worry about it. Not many 16 year old boys are excited to be parents.

My (ex)crush got a girlfriend and is starting to act awkward around me..?

So I had a crush on this girl for the past 3 months and I think I was just ridiculously infatuated with her.. we flirted (holding hands, touching, she kissed me on the head) but I never asked her out because I never had a certain time where I felt like she actually liked me as more than a friend.. I mean... she was pretty cuddly with her other friends too and she always had friends with benefits around and she'd show affection to her fwb's when she knew I was around to see it. But she got a girlfriend on the 13th and when I see her around school now, she kind of ignores me. Like yesterday she was holding hands with her gf she was walking my way and when we were 5 feet apart she put her head down. i don't think it was a coincidence.. what the hell do I do now?.. I mean, what does that mean? does she want nothing to do with me? did she have feelings for me? does she still have feelings for me? one of the reasons why i didn't ask her out was also because i'd rather have a long term friendship than a short term relationship.. now that I see a friendship isn't even possible, I feel so mad at myself.

Why Jamaicans Loves to steer at people?

Everytime I land in Jamaica at the Norman Manley airport people constantly steering at me. Everywhere I go in Jamaica all I see is eyes steering me down. Why is that? I know I aint ugly.

Uhh.... Can somebody please tell me a website that explains song lyrics?

Depending on the song's popularity, it may or may not be heavily discussed at songmeanings.net. Here's a link to that Elvis song: a href="http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/69636/" rel="nofollow"http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/6…/a

Do I have a foundation problem or is it normal settling?

My celing in the southeast corner and northwest corner of my house seems to be coming apart. The house was built in 2002. The celing about 3 feet out from the wall slopes down to the wall. All the nails/screws that were taped and puttied have popped all the putty off and you can see the drywall tape now. Is this normal settling or could I have a severe foundation problem?

Can a 8 month old kitten get shingles from me?

The doctors office informed me that {confirmed through a blood test} I have shingles. I'm concerned if my kitten can get this from me.


im a bit too young for a job, so im finding it really hard to get one. and i am trying to go on this school trip, and im looking to making about 100 a week. i know it is a lot, any one got any ideas? people are already selling chocolates, so they are no usee... PLESSSE!

What is the name of this movie?

all i remember from when i was a kid was that, in the movie, there were kids and they get like sucked into the TV and they have a remote that can pause things and there were cavemen i think.

What can I give to my 4 mth old baby for constipation?

My baby girl hasn't done a poo in about 6 days and she seems to wants to do one. But it looks like she is in pain trying. She is fed. I was told that a baby that is fed can go upto 10 days without doing a poo. But I would like to know what I could give her to help her do a poo?

Mammograms: I got a call back. HELP!?

digital is much clearer that the other, so the docs can see everything better. I had a callback, I'm 30, and I freaked out. It turned out to be nothing more than cystic tissue. Please don't worry too much until they have a chat with you about it. I wish you the best of luck!

Laughing at women's rights?

I can't really understand wanting to laugh at the idea of "women's rights". Women are actually still behind men in many ways, even in the USA (where I hear women still earn less than men in the same job), and women in some countries still have no freedom at all, living effectively as the property of men. Why don't you try doing some research on this?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wanted new friends to see these lyrics to old Pink Floyd- what do those of you unfamiliar with them think?

I'm really familiar with Pink Floyd's lyrics since I love this band and all of their albums. I just wish more people were familiar with their lyrics instead of some of the crappy music that people seem to love these days.

How can I become a female?

I am 25, male, how can I grow ? I've been drinking soy milk, will that help with the growth? I was even thinking of taking enhancement pills/cream/or gum. Plz help....Ok Im not trolling ok, I just want s. Im obsessed with and want my own girly . I took phytoestrogens and do mages, I for real want fem s...Ok and Im obsessed with the female beauty, I even would love fuller lips, soft skin, and longer hair, nice . See i had taken pills about a yr ago, and now I keep getting hot flashes, and my chest sometimes itches, and I like drinking soy milk. So can I really grow like i want to?

Which QB to Start week 2?

Im not too sure on who to start on Week @ either Kurt Warner against Miami, or A. Rodgers against DEtroit. Any input will be appreciated Thanks

How Does This Sound for a Play?

I think theyll love it. Give it a shot. Kids are always in need of awesome teachers like yourself. Good luck. Chin up. Smiles.

Contour ploughing and terrace farming?

what is the difference between the two??? in both furrows are made along the slopes to reduce erosion???? then whats the difference??

What was the best Gender & Women's Studies question of 2009?

No.3 and No.5 are great questions, kind of overlapping. These things happen in most of the world. Open hate and cruelty against men is accepted, but even slight complaint about women is shouted down and condemned.

Weird pain in my left arm?

it could be a nerve pinching, I have had this before and had pain like you are describing. I have actually had it in both arms over the years, my work is very physical and I visit the chiropractor to patch up various problems he fixed this problem with adjustments.

Is pimping and pandering serious crime in ur opinion?

Ha ha ha!!! Most prostitution in the U.S. is not like this. Sure, it takes a "special" kind of woman to do it, but in my opinion, prostitution should be legal. Underage prostitution and human trafficking should still be prevented.

Rate My Pokemon Pearl Team?

There OK but my sis is 11 and has all lvl 100 and has beaten the game and has caught all the pokemon. She also has alot of the rare ones two that arent on the game! But u have a pretty good team so far.

What does he really want from me?

he thinks that you dumped him, because every guy will like to go to a social place and try to show the place that " look this is my girl" but thinks the other way round so he is totally upset of you\\its better for you to go and confront him

Do you know who he is?

I haven't read his book, but I can say that I could write a book called " The huge, upcoming energy crisis" Anyone can say almost anything in print, but it does not make it true. We are using up non-renewable energy very quickly. Why do you think oil is over 110 dollars a barrel when it was about 30 dollars a few years ago. The Chinese are starting to use much more of this energy than in the past, and to drive automobiles, etc. World population is still increasing too fast to sustain a good quality of life with sufficient food. This increase in population will automatically use more of the worlds resources. If there is no crisis yet, there will be one eventually.

Whats the point of autobiographies on people in their 20's ?

Or are they written because those people have not had much of a life and have no prospect of adding any more value to it.

Sister-n-law lied about my brother hurting her....?

Ok, back in July my brother and his wife got into an argument while drinking at their home. His wife ran to the police station and told them that he had strangled her. She had "marks" on her neck and everything so they took her to the hospital. They arrested my brother for domestic battery, battery, and strangulation. A month later she had went to the prosecutor in our county and requested that the protective order be dropped because her and my brother wanted to get back together. (ok we all thought WTF). But she had admitted that she lied about the whole thing and she made the marks herself. She was drunk and she had a "blackout" episode. Well my brother got a lawyer and he is going to court tomorrow. My brother really loves his wife and We stand behind him no matter what he chooses, even if we don't think it is a good idea. His lawyer got the protective order modified and they have been going to counseling. They have court tomorrow and my brother and his wife went and saw his lawyer today to talk about court tomorrow. His lawyer wants him to take a plea agreement the prosecutor offered him of probation and battered spouses cles. My brother says no because it would be admitting guilt. My sister in law is telling his lawyer it didn't happen and she doesn't want him to be charged. Now they have to go to court tomorrow and the lawyer wants her to be there. He says that if my brother doesn't accept the plea then it could be worse for him in front of a jury. My question is, could she be held for false informing or perjury? I mean she was drunk at the time, yes my brother is stupid for taking her back. But they did have a bad issue with drinking quite a bit, and that HAS stopped and they have been perfectly happy since they got back together at the end of July. But my brother is freaking out because he doesn't want to be charged and he doesn't want her to get into any trouble either. His attorney says that if it goes to trial then he HAS to defend my brother, therefore he would have to make is wife look bad. So has anyone been in a situation like this...should my brother worry or not?? I know It is a long story but just looking for maybe some advice for him before he goes and gets the book thrown at him.! Thanks for reading!!

What do you think about the fifth estate of news reporting?

Traditional news resources are known as the fourth estate of government, and they're supposed to keep the other three (judicial, executive, and legislative) estates in check, BUT my argument is that no news was ever objective. And just because the Colbert Report and Daily Show are funny and entertaining, doesn't mean they are not informative, right? I'm trying to say that I am in favor of having all kinds of "news" and that they all contribute to democracy. Tell me what you think!

Do people looks thinner if they wear really loose clothes like sweatpants or tight clothes like skinny jeans?

No not really. Sweatpants make someone look like an unhealthy slob. Tight clothes just show the actual style. Try using colors. Balck is very thinning

Is my fish overeating himself?

I have already asked about having a live plant in my fancy goldfish's tank, and I know that it is really good for the tank because it helps with the nitrates, etc. The problem is that my fish is eating it constantly. My little goldfish has managed to eat a whole fairly big size leaf in about 2 days. He munches on most of hte others as well. I believe the plant I have is called like elephant ear or banana leaf or something. I also feed him goldfish crumbles and I am worried that with his constant eating of the live plant and the food I give him, he will overeat. Should I get rid of the plant and give him a fake one or should I try a different kind. I thought that most goldfish don't like the kind I got, but if you have reccommendations...

Best pub gardens in south devon please!?

Hi there, we are about to travel to south devon with our young family next week and much as we will spend most of our time in parks/beaches etc it would be nice to know of a couple of really nice pub gardens or just nice child friendly pubs too. As two of our children are disabled we cant do many things and sometimes just having a nice place to try and relax a bit for all of us is great. thanks

A question regarding gravelly sounding knees?

well, since i do not know how to star something you wil just have to read what i say. glucosamine and condroitin take a while to get going. i have been taking it for like a month and it seems to be helping some. it can also be from arthritis, which i know because i have gravelly knees(hey that is such a good description) and the orthopedic doc said that i had arthritis pretty badly. under my knee cap. so keep on taking the G and C and hope for the best.

My little girl is petrified of dying, can u help me reure her?

she has been in pieces about this for months, she is nearly 9 and petrified of me or her dying, is there any quick way to stop this??

Prove that if the SUM of a_n converges then lim a_n = 0.?

when you state that sum converges to L you mean that lim {n---> ∞} S_n = L, where S_n = Σ {k=0,1,2,...n} a_k. But if S_n---> L then so does S_(n+1)---> L....but S_(n+1) = S_n + a_(n+1)---> L = L + lim{n--->∞} a_(n+1), or lim a_k---> 0 as k---> ∞

Best amp to get angus young tone?

hey man. I was thinking of getting a solid state bedroom amp. I was ACDC kinda overdrive. my budget is less than 500SGD. I was thinking of the orange crush 30...

What do you think about this quote from John Steinbeck?

great quote. i like the part about how we denounce the president for things we do ourselves everyday. all of it is very true

Read This : "Al Takfir Wal Hijra " means the " Ultimate asins of Islam" !! Your Comments

Many people think Islam isn’t a true religion at all, but simply a framework for a brutally violent and oppressive totalitarian government.

Whats up with him??does he like me or something?

ok so i have this guy friend and like we would txt each other once in a while b4 but for like the last 2 nights we have ben txting and i have a lot of bad things going on in my life and he ben relay nice and trying to help me..he kept telling me all the good things in my life and stuff and now he calls me his buddy. I didnet wanna come to school the other day and i txted him and told him that i didn't wanna come and he was like plzz come lindsey, and he txt till relay late at night,,,he said he would cry if i died....he also sits with me on the bus sometimes (hes ben sitting with me on the bus for a while) does it sound like he likes me or his just trying to be nice?

400m running time XD?

Anything under 1-minute is exceptional for females, especially at your age. Get on the track - you'll have a lot of success!

How can i stay up alot longer ?

play loud music, watch a really really scary movie call people and make them help you stay awake, eat spoonfulls of sugar walk around your house make some food put ice cubes in your pants every time you fell tired

Braces Teasing !! ?!?

Okk so my friend who im cool withh has braces . He has both top and bottom and has colors . I recently got my braces and he iss annoying and always comes to me saying braceface. I wannna know some comeback that i can say to him . lol

What does it mean if you have a dream yer pregnant?

It's a dream.. They mean nothing. Doesn't mean you're going to get pregnant again. I've had dreams that I'm chased by some crazy killer or something.. That has yet to happen. Dreams are dreams. They don't predict the future.

Whats a great WWI or WWII PC Game that includes Air, Land, and sea vehicles?

It needs to have offline play, Something like Aces High, Battlestations Midway/Pacific, and WWII Online. But i dont want to have to pay per a month to play it!! It can have just Air and Naval, or Air and Land, but must have Air flying, with the first person flying view such as in Aces High and whatnot. Does Anyone have any suggestions? :/ Does such a game exist yet??

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Who do you think lucas was asking to marry him?

from the season finale.. i think it was peyton... he knows brooke would never do that to peyton and he wouldn't ask lindsey again just because he knows what she would say. even tho it's kinda weird, i think it was peyton. what do you guys think? and when does the 6th season start do you know any spoilers?

My Argument with Police Chief....what do you think?

So, if I understand your arguement, someone would have to be killed in order to qualify for a raise? That's a bit shallow, and no wonder you got the look. Plumbers jobs are more dangerous? on what planet?

What are shoulder blades for?

I was reading a book, and they said wings went there. I know, I'm gullible. I WANT TO believe it, but it's irrational. So what are they really for?

7 month old with wet barky cough.?

My 7 month old has had a wet barky cough for about a week and a half now. At first he had a runny nose so I thought It was from the mucus running down his throat but now he just has a stuffy nose and he's still coughing like that. He doesn't have long coughing spells or anything but he's been waking himself up at night from coughing and sometimes when he does cough he has a hard time swallowing all the phlegm. Anyone have any suggestions as to what this may be? Or how to help it. We've done vics, a cold mist humidifier, and in the bathroom with steam.

Why wont windows XP start?

You can torrent the windows disk at ww.thepiratebay.org The repair function should preserve your files, but there's no guarantee (we are talking about windows here.) Hope I could help.

Please help me with my sanity?

I am so depressed here. I suffer from seasonal depression and it has gradually been getting worse over the last three years. Last winter I was suicidal, but all my parents did was send me to shrink. I'm 15 and my depression has destroyed my life. I used to be an AB student, now I'm failing 9th grade. I used to have friends, now I barely have any. My parents have wanted to move before, but never took any action. They always complain about how snowy and cloudy it is during the winter. My dad even has an opportunity to work anywhere on the east coast. I've told them how I feel, but they won't move. I can't stand to go through 3 more cloudy winters. I will end up killing myself. How can I get them to move? Should I bribe them? Explain why they need to move? Threaten to kill myself if they don't? I don't know how to handle this. DONT tell me to get pills or see a shrink. I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW TO GET THEM TO MOVE!!! IM VERY DESPERATE. Thank you for your time.

LSU CRUSHED the Buckeyes!?

I sat back and listened to y arrogant Buckeye fans talk about how they were going to beat the TIGERS. And as a humble LSU fan, I just sat back and said "just wait for the game". Well, I'm not being so humble now. LSU BEAT THE buckeyes!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOO TIGERS!!!!!!

Spanish Poem, any comments or suggestions?

What a beautiful poem Missy!! we can help you translate it if you post it in English so we can see what the exact meaning of the words was in the original text

Can you use hair color for highlights..?

I mean can you use a box that's for "hair color" meaning fr the whole hair, for highlights instead? I have the cap to put on your head, (I got it from a highlighting kit that i bought sometime ago). I want to put like "Burgundy" type of highlights on my hair. Thanks so much..!! :]

Is Criss Angel still dating Holly Madison?

Last i heard (somtime in December) Criss angel was dating holly. he is such a great magician and he deserves much better then that little hoe who was in the playboy house. I mean come on he get any girl in the world and he chooses that one. haha but whatever his choice. Anyway what i'm asking is he still dating her??

I use a Nikon D90, and I want to take photos of gorgeous city lights at night! What settings do I use?

Put camera on a tripod then set camera to manual mode, ISO to lowest (100 or 200), EV to 0, smallest f/number and a shutter speed of 10 seconds. Shoot. If overexposed, make aperture a bit smaller (larger f/number). If underexposed, increase shutter time a bit. Yes, use self timer. Remember to adjust bit by bit until you get the desired results. To get longer light streaks from cars, increase shutter time but you have to decrease aperture size at the same time to compensate.

Does anyone give lessons?

I would like to know if anyone gives lessons close to Downers Grove,IL? If so how much? Does anyone have a horse for lease? How much is it? Where are you located? What kind of horse? What expireance level?

Who are you picking in tomorrow's championship games?

I am going with the saints and the colts and the winner of the 2010superbowl will be the Indianapolis Colts!

What nonsensical beliefs can an atheist believe in?

Atheism isn't about what a person can or cannot believe in. It's about what a person doesn't believe in, it's a descriptive term, not a prescriptive term. The only thing atheism addresses is not believing any gods exist. A person could conceivably believe just about any nutty thing (you listed several) and as long as none of those necessitated a god or gods of any sort existing, then they would accurately be called an atheist.

I have a really bad phlegm problem and snot in the morning..?

It's been happening for a while now, i have yellow phlegm in the morning (which i have to 'hock' out) and snot as well..but it's only in the morning..i brush my tongue, any suggestions on how to stop this?

Should we go out??

ok well there is this guy im really close frans wit and i seem to like him every so often and every time i like him i tell him and he doesent seem to care ya kno like ok things r gunna change and he told my bff that he liked me bc they have known each other longer that i have known him and they r close but he told her on the last day of school he liked me and has liked me but he is scared that if we go out we will loose our frienship and i like him now....should we go out and if things dont work out be frnas again or just stay frnas bc he doesent wanna loose my freindship if things dont work out HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEED TO KNO!!!

Can a rental car company charge a card you used on a previous rental?

I got into an accident. I was 100% prepared to pay the damages ($1600) in payments, like discussed with the manager. The card that the car was rented on was maxed out. They went ahead and charged a card that I had used once to extend the rental (we do monthly rentals and extend weekly). So, the only authorization they had on paper was for the original card. They only had a verbal copy and authorization on the second card. Is it legal to charge that $1600 to the second card?

Does anyone actually read where breakthoughs are coming from in Stem Cell Research?

We need to use all the options we can...these fetuses they are talking about using are currently being thrown away. People are going to get abortions regardless, why not try to get something positive out of it?

Picking up problems: rabbit?

You took him out of his security place, he may have been freacked out for a min, don't worry he'll gte over it.

Are you from a small town that's suddenly turning into a mangled mess New homes, businesses.......?

and friggin' Traffic signals? I am from a Smallish Farming/Agricultural area of Cali. I swear they're trying to connect this place with L.A. I miss hunting off my Back Porch. Is your town still void of this problem? I wanna live there if so.

Department of Homeland Security or a decentralized system with deeper community?

Would a centralized system like the Department of Homeland Security or a decentralized system with deeper community connections better enable the U.S. to operate according to the goals of the Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan? Explain why you think one would be more effective than the other.

I want to start an article website that's really contructive, easy to use and provides interesting and up to

date articles on various subjects. I sometimes find good health articles in mags like Cosmo or Glamour and feel that many people might miss out on this info because they dont read these mags. Would I have to ask the author's or the magazines that published the article for permission. I was thinking of including the author's name, the magazine it came from, issue number and date. Also a link to the magazines website if possible. Do you think this would be a good idea and how would I go about doing this? There dont seem to be good organized article sites out there.

My niece just found out that she is pregnant ..nw she is 7 weeks pregnant. she said she had ?

on the 4th oct with her new b/f and claimed that he s a lil by accident while doing withdrawal..she washed it away and that was it. She is only 1 mth in relationship with her new b/f....but before this 4th oct, she had one while she was with her ex b/f. so who is the father of the child? whose do you tink it is? please comment.. she's only 19.. =( now thinking of aborting.. which i totally disagree..

VW R32 vs Nissan R34, who would win?

me and a friend got in a argument about this, he loves the VW's and im a big fan of the skylines, so in a quarter mile who would win?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

System Restore Problems!?

i went to the add/remove programs thing and i uninstalled a few things which now i know i shouldn't have! so i try going to system restore and the window just turns white! i tried going to the hel and support thing but it wouldnt open. i tried doing the search but it said that windows is missing a component that opens this program! so what do i do! this is very serious!

How many atoms of carbon must be part of the product? ful question inside?

if you use 2 atoms of carbon as reactants, there MUST be 2 atoms of carbon as products, one way or another, regardless of what you do to them in the reaction.

Texas politics question?

what is the difference between a progressive and a regressive system of taxation? how would you characterize texas's tax system? what changes, if any would you recommend be made in texas's system in order to improve it from the standpoint of fairness?

If I were a devout christian but I was forced to eat another human being and then I died right after, would...

the person I had consumed. and that person was also a christian .Burst forth from my stomach on the resurection?

I'm too shy to talk to my BF... help?

okay, well yesterday he asked me out.. Im shy to talk to him.. today, my friend brought me to him and told me to hug hime and i hugged hime, then she left and some of my friends just looking at me.. well my bf's best friend told me to stay there, and i did, but i was soooo shy to even just look at hime or even say hi... i turn really red and i dont know what to talk about or i judt can't stop being sooo shy.. so yeahh.. i was just standing there and he is kinda shy too but not as shy as me... and just looked at my bffs and they were like awwee, making hearts and stuff and it made me more shy.. so i was like well, gtg cya and they were like okk. and came to my friends still red,, and idk.. just pleasee,, someone help me not to be shy,,,,... ):

I Can't believe it! I found this verse in the Quran what do you think of this?

Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of your religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice." (Qur'an 60:8)

How in the world is the NCAA polls....?

Fair or unfair LSU dropped a spot because they were idle once they play again and win they will likely get the spot back.

Are door visors legal in Wisconsin?

I want to purchase door visors for my Honda Civic, but the website says they may not be legal in some states. Any website that addresses the legality of this would be appreciated. Thanks.

Losing control of "me"?

Don't smoke weed or drink at all. You need to cleanse your body. .. and talk to your doc. I'm sure you're fine.

How do I get in touch with Yahoo Personals?

Here: a href="http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/forms_index.html"http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/ya…/a

Where would I be able to find a similar jacket?

Does anyone know where I'd be able to find the cute ivory lace blazer jacket that Cady Groves wore in this photo a href="http://www.cadygroves.com/wp-content/gallery/cady-groves/cady2.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://www.cadygroves.com/wp-content/gal…/a or the one that Cherie Oakley wore tonight on The Voice? I am absolutely in love with it, and would really like on for myself.

Holy Cross, Boston College, Georgetown?

have a 3.8 UNWEIGHTED gpa and about a 4.166 weighted. im in a charity work service where i perform nearly 200 hours a year. (ive been doing that since 7th grade). im on the golf team. im not a nationally ranked golfer but i think i may be able to perform at the college level. im in love with the greater boston metro area and DC and im catholic(thats the religion of HC, BC, GT. i havent taken SAT's yet but ive taken a practice test and it said i could get around a 1350. im in many honors courses and am planning on taking many AP courses as a junior and senior. CAN I GET IN TO THESE SCHOOLS? HC is my first choice. The campus is so gorgeous!

Help me how do i fix this?

the other day he was being all weird hidin his fone and all this sorta weird stuff he was going out about trust no one and all this sorta stuff and stuff about how he should have neva left lucy his first x for steph the x b4 me and all this sorta stuff and i wanted to no y and i no what i did was so wrong but i made a fake profile and flirted with him and i was gonna tell him about it but he found out yesterday i was gonna tell hi on the weekend and then last night he changed his status to single and now i dont no wat to i love him and i made i made a mistake i have ****** up bad.... we r talkin but he dosent no wat he wants to do he hasnt offically dumbed me yet..... i cant eat i cant sleep als i can do is cry i hate my self for what i di how can i make him give me a chance how do i get him back help me plz i love him and need him we have been together for 6 months today

Looking for a dsl service in NC.?

My work pays $20 for internet connection. Looking for something other than dial up. I have RR now but to me it is high. Is there anything that is between dial up and cable price that you can get that is "fast". The internet is used for nothing but kids playing games on places like Pogo or yahoo for doing email and homework lookup. No major downloading.

What kind of guys generally girls like reserved or talkative?

i am 26 yrs old,very handsome and wel built.but very shy and reserved in nature.is it a drawback due to which i was ignored by most of the girls?plz suggest.

Girls what turns you on while kissing a guy?

me and my girl friend kiss and she thinks i'm a good kisser and she is too, but i'm just curious what really turns a girl on when making out with a guy? details please if possible? oh and we're 16 years old and not gonna have so nothing too ual, but still really sensual!

Can I keep my goldfish in a bowl??? Can I keep a common plecostomus in a 10 gallon tank???

wait a gold fish cant go in a bowl and a pleco cant live in a 10 gallon tank HAHA j/k i was just getting ready to copy and paste the same answer that i say to everyone till i realized who i saw posting.

Are Newports still under $5 in Florida or did they go up there too?

its become a dead end looking for cheap cigarettes. Im in upstate NY and everywhere I go its over $10. Im sick of it. Its been that way for a while. I went to Florida about a year ago and they were selling for $4.50 at the gas stations. I dont know if they went up since then or how much but I hope its still at least below $6 a pack. Anyone know how much all the stores charges for cigarettes or how much they are in the neighboring states.?

What would you wear if you where going to see the guy who you really like?

I'm going on a fall All Star Conference (4-H trip) in November in Tennessee so its going to be chilly. This guy who I have liked for over a year is going to be there and this is his last 4-H trip ever, he is in college now so its all over for him and I really want to talk to him about my feelings so I want to look good while I do it anyways I want to dress nicely, but modestly. I like stores like American Eagle, Forever21, Pac Sun, and different department stores. I have dirty blonde hair and I'm pale with freckles, but I have really blue eyes. Can you pick me out a nice casual outfit that I can still go ice skating in (that's on of the things we are doing on the trip) Pictures from websites would be great! Thank You so much if you want more info email me at rockytopgirlnicole@yahoo.com

Only true Christians, please !!!! Need godly counsel !!!?

Is it possible that he is staring at you because you are staring at him? What can he possibly say from the pulpit - in front of the whole congregation - to intimidate you? Do you feel guilty about something? I think you prefer the old pastor and it comes across from the way you look at him. Maybe that's why he is talking to you all the time. Ask him. Be friendly.

My sister still Sucks her thumb?

Thirteen is pretty old for a thumb sucker. She may be doing this for the attention she is getting. Negative attention is still attention and better than no attention at all. She will quit when it is no longer convenient. She may be doing this at home and not at school which should tell you something. Tell her it is up to her to deal with it and don't mention it again.

If someone was terminated from their job?

If someone is terminated fromt heir job because they were accused of stealing, wasnt charged but they fired them how long will that stay on the record how long can that job tell people? In the state of Indiana

How do you make / Where do you find a horse eye patch?

My horse just recently lost her eye and we want to make a nice leather eye patch for her, or buy one for her. She has white and sorrel spots so the leather needs to be white or reddish brown. I was thinking of something like an oversized eye patch but really anything can work.

As a gay son, how do Ideal with my Christian parents?

You can not find out objectively because you are the subject, but that is just the semantic argument.

Should I be worried that he doesn't like me anymore? He just got the internet and seems addicted to it!?

Hey guys. This is a question for astrologers and men in general. I have been seeing a Scorpio male for two weeks and he seemed really interested in me. Every time I went to his place he would be all over me with fuss and attention, but over the past two days when I was with him he completely seemed to change. He wasn't attentive with me any more (during the course of 5/6 hours he didnt even so much as kiss me on the cheek). I asked him if he wanted me to go and he said if he did, then he would tell me. But at the same time it was like he was ignoring me. He said he cant give me fuss and attention all the time and that he wasnt trying to ignore me but just chill out, but why the hell did he have me over and at the same time seem like he didnt care if i was there or not? Is this a typical Scorpio thing? He sent me a text last night saying "Thinking of you" and the moment i came online today he was talking to me, but he keeps going quiet. Plus he just got the internet and is addicted!

Can u fall pregnant if u have the day after ur periods finnish?

its been 3 weeks and i have my periods but they a lite pink clour and im getting symtoms of being pregnant is it posisble that im pregnat

Is this considered dental neglect?

My niece (6) lives with my brother and in October of 2009, the school has a dentist come in for children who are on medical coupons and they look at their teeth. The dentist sent home a paper saying that she needed to get some teeth fixed since she had several cavities. My brother didn't do it, and my sister also reminded him over a course of several months to get her into the dentist. I just saw her on the 15th of May 2010 and I looked at her teeth because she said that they were hurting. She said she tells her daddy that they hurt and it hurts to eat certain things. Her teeth on the bottom, not the front ones, looked like they were rotten. One was almost completely hollow and it looked maybe to the gum or nerve. I'm not a teeth specialist but I know that it didn't look right. I informed my brother that her teeth look horrible and that he needs to get her into a dentist and he COMPLETELY IGNORED ME! Is this considered dental neglect especially since he won't really let her see the rest of the family because he says he has "appointments" which I found out to be dental appointments for himself but not his daughter? I would appreciate professional opinions since we are going to try to take this to a legal standpoint and hopefully have custody of her.

Could I have gotten pregnant?

I've had breakthrough bleeding for the past 3 weeks. However, I have consistently taken my birth control pills since then for those weeks. Up until yesterday it basically stopped (really really light), but the two days before that I missed taking my birth control pills by 1-2 hours (I still took them those days). I had yesterday, should i take my morning after pills or am i ok?

Help me now please.........I will give good answers 5 marks.?

What is the most important factor in determining solubility of a given solute in a given solvent at room temperature?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Interesting, why do Obama's unfavorable ratings keep falling while Hillary's are rising?

That poll shows me that 9% are now undecided about him,so lets ume he loses half of the people who are now reconsidering...he still wins the delegate count,still wins the popular vote,and he has already wone more states than Clinton possibly can.Unless he has some kind if mive meltdown,I dont see much changing.Except maybe the super-delegates.Who knows how that will go.But one thing is certain,he is far from done as many predict

History day topic? Innovation in History: Impact and Change?

I don't want an invention, something different. Unusual. I was thinking about doing archaeology, how it changed from a hobby to a treasure hunt to a science. Is that any good? Do you have any better ideas?

How is IRS choosing the persons to be audit?

and when the are making an audit what are they looking for? We are employed by a company and we do not have extra activities but the accountant made our taxes itemized. I am concern that he may be overreact at what we spend. we have a baby and got back about couple thousands. sounds right? we have a normal income 55.000 to 65.ooo

Is Breed Specific Legislation only targeting a symptom of an overarching problem?

I believe that the people who get a tough and train a dog to be agressive would move on to another breed. It would be an akita or other larger breed. The bans will not prevent this. The only thing to prevent it is training and responcible ownership

Smoker's lungs feeling clogged?

My throat feels clogged or it feels like somethings inside of it and I always have phlegm through out the day on a daily, I was a former smoker I quit a year ago but I'm still around second hand smoke and I feel like my throat is getting worse. what could this be and how can I treat this?

Where to go dirt biking in Minneapolis?

Have few dirt bikes, just recently moved to MN, looking where to ride dirt bikes (trails, tracks). Also looking for dirt biking body to ride with...any recommendations...

What is the best way to convert protected WMA files to mp3's?

i have alot of music in my windows media player that is protected. i want to my music on my iPod. what is the best way to convert? is there any good programs to convert it?

Need help filling out a map of Europe!?

I am filling out a map of Europe during WWI and need help! I need to know where the British blockade lines where in Europe during WWI and the Western Front (1914) in Europe during WWI. I also need to know where Rhineland, Danzig, Alsace-Lorraine, and Saar Basin are on a map of Europe after WWI. Any helpn would be great. Thanks in advance!

Jehovah's Witnesses, do these Watchtower comments remind you of anything much more recent?

"Satan questioned the righteousness of Jehovah God's way of ruling. He did so by asking Eve: 'Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden?'...Satan then accused God of lying....He went on to deceive Eve into believing that God was withholding something good and that by eating the fruit, she would become like God, having moral independence. -- Gen. 3:1-5" -- The Watchtower, 8/15/2010, p. 8

Can anyone recommend a removalist that will take just one Chester drawers set from Brisbane to Sunshine Coast?

I think Chester may need his drawers but you could look in your local paper for anyone advertising to do back loads from Brissie to Sunshine Coast that would take a "Chest OF Drawers" !!

How to make a Floridan car survive in the cold?

I made the opposite move 4 years ago. I would just make sure that all fluids that are due for a change are changed, especially the coolant. Also get your battery tested. Other than that you should be ok.

Tack storage, small space?

My horse seems to misbehave everywhere but the barn i ride for. So next week we want to move him out there. My barn has an average size room, it's nothing huge maybe the size of the average bedroom for a tack room. I need to find a way to store all my tack in the tack room with other boarders. I would like something lockable even if i have to buy a combo lock. I need something small but big enough for my bridle, saddle pad, back pad, girth, helmet and i would prefer my saddle then my grooming stuff which is currently in a cleaning caddy. Any ideas for lockable, and able to hold my stuff, not huge but non-expensive? Right now i have a "medium" size wooden box (if anyone has a tractor supply near them and you have seen the wood boxes with the mare and foal painting on the front it's the medium size of that) but i have to fold my saddle pad and back pad to it dosen't form to his back then i barley have room to put my girth and bridle on there. any ideas on a box or organization tips of what to do to take up little space but fit everything?

Shooter jennings and hank williams III?

why does hank 3 hate shooter so much? i've heard because shooter kind of steals ideas from hank...such as hank had " in dixie" and then shooter put out "lets put the o back in country" also shooter is always mentioning waylon was his dad, just about every song of his has a waylon reference. And hank sees that as using his name..your thoughts?

Australians,got any comments on this?

Talking about Aussie team, they would want to learn from this, as for apparent Aussies presence in YA, what else would they do, only comment, on your Q & they do that without anyone inviting them for this, no one can make a valid point to them, as they are God sent, who cares about their opinions on Sachin's century, they are only worried about his increasing numbers.

Whats a good site for Sugar Glider care?

my friend is getting two sugar gliders and wants to know a trustworthy site for a beginer with sugar gliders

Different case of love what should I do now ?

forget the girl - she's clearly not interested. instead, recommend you join a cl in improving your english. who knows -- maybe you will meet a girl there who can understand you a little better... lol

Hello its me again what is up with the new playstation 3s i think there a bunch of f,n wack main waht you tink

can sombody give me a break i wana ps3 but i ant buying ine of the internet or ebay cause there way out of my pay check 2000 dollars for one

School project Icelandic Music ?

for my school project i need to do a thing when we find to songs with opposite genes for example rock and folk anyway i need a good Icelandic band names i am a guy who likes clic rock led zeppelin beatles David bowie and British bands

Please Rate my FFB team?

You did good. Stallworth is a question mark because there's so many recievers in New England now, but I'd start Berrian because he'll actually get the receptions. I'd give you a 7/8 outta 10.

Soil Stage Of Granite Sandstone or Quartzite?

i neec to no the process, layer identification and layer description of at least one these rocks thanks

Online fundraising service with widget that showed goal and progress bar?

I remember a website that offered a service where you could accept donations online and you could set a goal (like $200 or something) and it showed a progress bar showing how close you were to that goal. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Do i still have feelings for him?

Your friend isn't a very good one. It's not right for your friend to go out with your ex, I mean, id feel a little uncomfortable about that, wouldnt you? And when she said "no hes dating me." well thats self-fish. She went out with your ex, why can't you just have his number? Thats just not right. Talk to your friend and tell her to think about other people before herself.

Rate my team out of 10.?

Man this team doesn't suck. I give u a 8. And you were 16th out of 20. YOu should be glad you got this squad these players each have high expectations for this season. I would consider getting rid of Skip to My Lou (Alston). He just got hit with 2 felonies. I doubt he'll be doing much playin this season.

UK: Have you used private healthcare i.e. BUPA?

I have a serious question & would like answers from people in the UK only who've used BUPA or other private healthcare to resolve an arthritic, or rheumatoid problem, because their NHS GP &/or NHS hospital were useless. I'd like to know whether your experience was good & most of all how you arranged for your private consultation & the procedure of doing that, because it's something I need to consider, but haven't a clue how to go about it, or what the process/experience will be like. Thank you.

Please help me, quickly. Clown loach has developed white patches in just a few hours. (Not Ich)?

The most likely causes are either parasites (Costia or Chilodonella) or Columnaris. Since you don't know for sure, the best plan of action would be to treat with something that would be effective against both-- for this, I'd either use Coppersafe, General Cure, Aquarisol, Quick Cure, Organicure, Anti Fungus, Aquasol, Cure Ich, Ich Clear, or Parasite Clear.

Im confused about my girlfriend?

me and my gf have been together for a little over 3 months and her mom doesnt like her coming over to my house. we live about 5 min away from each other and wenever she asks her mom her mom just kinda gets pissed and doesnt say yes or no. my gf doesnt like argueing with her mom and she doesnt ask much now. her mom also doesnt like us basically touching. her sister whos older and has a kid used to have this problem with her mom and i think this is why shes like this with my gf but wenever me and my gf try to talk about this we both get frustrated for one and if i say how much wut her mom does annoys me she takes it as me throwing it in her face. thn we get all quiet and both look mad but we tell the other one were not. wen im alone i think about this and how i really want her to come over and hang out cuz my house is the only place where we can hug or kiss and not have to worry about sumone getting pissed. but sumtimes i get like knots in my stomache and upset tht i nvr have her over and lately i havnt gotten to hangout with her much. wenever i try to plan a day to hangout she just says idk mabe and doesnt ask her mom if shes allowed or not and tht upsets me and makes me feel well idk and thts why i just ranted about all this idk wuts wrong (with me or in general) and i was hoping sumone would explain it. if u want more specifics just tell me thank you this really is the only thing i can think of tht might help me figure stuff out.

Need help on IEP for my 9 year old with Aspergers. It's in 2 days!!?

My 9 year old son was diagnosed with Aspergers, NVLD and ADHD. For over a year, we have been trying acommodations, but they aren't working. His teacher is doesn't have time to work with him and she's very insensitive to his diagnosis. She has actually written me notes that he "chose" not to pay attention or "decided" not to focus. We are meeting again in 2 days to revise the IEP. The last time I requested a 1 on 1, they told me they were for the "severly disabled." My son's doctors all recommended he have a 1 on 1 or be placed in a self-contained clroom. Only problem is, placing him in a special ed cl with other kids who have more severe emotional issues etc. wouldn't be the best environment. He needs to be mentally challenged, but isn't able to do his work because he isn't able to follow along with what to do when he is alone. So do I request a 1 on 1 again or mention private schooling? Also, if we disagree, should I request an Administrative review or go straight to a due process hearing. I have had all my son's testing done privately, even his O.T. and Speech/Language Evaluations, but the school just isn't doing their part. Thanks.

Six American Volunteer doctors where killed in Afghanistan earlier today?

Obama won't do anything..he didn't say anything when the American soldiers that were killed a few weeks ago and that were kidnapped

Ok about the dmv and california drivers license?

what are they going to have you point out in the car?? like the controls or what not....what do i need to kno about inside the car??....i kno they are going to ask me to point out the hazard lights,wind shield wipers, blinkers, defrost on...but what else are they going to ask me?? please help

Connecting a pc to broadband.?

i have this desktop pc and i plug in the Ethernet cable from the pc to the broadband box and it pick up my old ip addy from where i used to live how do i clear it and get the new ip addy in? Thanks Rory

AnYoNe HiRiNg????????????????????????…

First off let me start by saying being a convicted felon ,an African-American w/ Dreds does'nt make my situation any better.I need a job. I fill out applications every day I've even walked when I have no transportation. Looking for someone dependable, prompt ,and a team player, I'm here please HELP I'm willing to learn. High School edu. and Certified for Forklifts and Insured.

Namiss talent section of pageant?

Go with the dancing. Unless you are a very experienced singer with a voice coach and are SURE that you will knock the judges' socks off, don't sing. Especially "At Last", even professionals have a tough time getting Etta James songs just right. Also, dancing is dancing, but different judges have different things they like to see in singers, when it comes to singing they generally either adore you or hate you. Trust me, do the dance.

Issues with new Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo?

My parents bought my 6-month-old son the Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo. My husband is putting it together right now, and once he put the seat into the circular base it's ridiculously hard to turn the seat in the 360 degrees it's advertised to be able to turn for them to play with the toys surrounding them. We had a hard time turning it with our arms, so our son will have no chance of turning in it himself while suspended from springs. Has anyone else had this problem? Are we doing something wrong? Is it defective and need to be returned?

Do you think fans should get their responsibility as all-star voters taken away?

This whole Rory Fitzpatrick thing awhile back and Buffalo bandwagoners stuffing the ballot boxes so a guy like Ryan Miller starts over Brodeur in the all-star game. I know the game is pretty meaningless but some guys miss out because of irrational fans. Thoughts?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Are there any clarinet solos by mozart at level 6?

Im looking for some good challenging pieces for next year, and im wondering if mozart wrote any challenging clarinet repitroire?

Will the Redskins sign Jay Cutler?

The Skins are my fav. team and i think it would be a great addition, what do you think? Jason Campbell is good but hes progressing slow and Jay Cutler is the best out there, i think we should get him.

Just another story of another life?

Wow, amazing, it�s beautiful Truly beautiful, but I didn�t understand why it ended so sad, why wasn�t the person who broke all the barriers happy? It made me smile, it got into me. Congratulations!!

Name some sounds that tend to linger in the mind even when the object isn't producing the sound?

e.g. the sound of trinklets (payal), sound of bells, chimes etc sometimes you feel you can still hear them even when they are not moving ?!

How many No. 1 hits has Shania Twain scored on Billboard magazine's country singles chart?

How many No. 1 hits has Shania Twain scored on Billboard magazine's country singles chart? (Please answer in the form of a number)

How do i convert a wma? so i can import it to audacity..?

i wanna import some of my recordings to this program, audacity but it wont let mw cuz it keeps telling me to convert it, how do i convert it.wma convert to what ??

Now that Bush is out, are the "military ysts" on cable News programs still coordinated by the Pentagon?

If you think Bush coming or going in any way changed the power of the Pentagon...you might want to rethink your reality

Fallout 3 question. How do you get into the galaxy radio station?

i have a hunch, where you meant to search something from the behemoth? its been a while since i played it, if you do i dare say you put it wherever you empty your bag :)

My wife (who I am sure is having an Affair) asked me last night if she could get a job?

I about flipped out. I had always asked in the past if she wanted one (I know kind of shallow) she always said, "I would never"! Now last night she asked me out of the blue if I would be okay to seek a consultation!!! Listen I haven't broke it to her that I am on her trail. I found out the guys first name, yesterday morning, I put a recorder by her vanity. I mean she thinks I will pay for him to have a good time. We've been married 12 years and I really have not been thinking of divorce, I just want there to be no mistake on my part. Should I buy them or tell her I know somethings up?

What is Jets Superfan Fireman Ed Doing Right Now?

I'm sure it has something to do with a firehose and his boyfriend who props him up on his shoulders. What do you think? NY Jets fans must be livid right now.

2 1/2 yrs in live in relationship - my partner wants out - should I convince him otherwise?

After 2 1/2 years in a defacto relationship my partner wants out. He is 10 years older than me and says he can't handle my 10 year old daughter, and that I haven't let him form a bond with her. He also says I haven't adapted to relationship life, always dwelling on my past 8 years on my own. I love this man, and have asked him to reconsider, but he appears to be adamant. I am hoping once I am gone he realises just what he is missing - me as his partner? I am struggling with this realisation that he know longer wants me in his life?

Do you think Capitalism is still the answer?

Capitalism makes the most sense, has the most longevity and inspires the most breakthroughs for future generations. Economies based on capitalism don't follow a straight line, there are lots of gyrations, but at the end of the day, we're all better off with capitalism.

Close circuit cooling tower question?

In the CCCT, the coil with glycol is sprayed with the water of the cooling tower to cool the glycol. Why the coil is not submerged in the water of the tower basin? is it because the heat transfer could be affected?

Religious dataing question?

Ask him. And just going to church doesn't make you a follower of Jesus, so don't kid yourself on this one. It's not only important that he be a follower of Jesus, but also that he be at more or less the same place as you are in your journey. I know it sounds hard, but it's really a simple question,and what have you got to lose? It's not like you're condemning him if he's not, and he hasn't exactly asked you out yet, either. So just ask.

What is the average price for a bull mastiff?

I'd check out petfinder.com or craigslist (under the pets section). We've rescued all of our mastiffs from there for under $300 (full bred Dougue Bordeaux and English Mastiffs as well as Cane Corso) Sometimes it takes a little while to find your perfect puppy/dog, but I highly recommend these websites. Not only is it cheaper but you're also saving their lives from kill shelters and puppy mills! Good luck!

What's going on in my ear? Health question!?

For about a month my left ear has been feeling and acting funny. When I yawn, burp, hiccup etc. I feel fluid-like noise and popping/crackling. It feels plugged in a way too. Wax isn't the issue.. what could it be?

My stuffed toy's going bald :(?

im 15 and i really love my little stuffed doggie, named chris D. dog (but i call him squishy). he's been with me for a really long time. and his hair (fur, coat) is slowly falling off. and now i can see the white thing where the hair is suppose to be. is there anyway my squishy cant get his cuteness back? :(

In the song...?

"not ready to mkae nice" by the dixie chicks, what does the song mean, and whats with the music video?

Is this severety of cleansing required due to some secret combination of oaths, and innocent blood?

He was feeling Godly sorrow for the sins he committed (which were quite serious). Feeling remorse for past mistakes is a part of the repentance process.

How can journalist write headlines that completely contradict their articles?

You are correct, and as far as truth in journalism, it went out with factual accurate reporting of real news, and was replaced by political bias, and slant.

How unhealthy is beef jerky?

Aside from the fact that it might be more difficult to digest (because its dried), the only bad thing I can think of is the HUGE salt content and perhaps the preservatives. But if you don't care about those things, well....

I'm planning on buying a dell Laptop, good idea?

Yes. I have a Dell laptop and a Dell desktop they are six years old and I have never had any trouble with either of them. Actually they run better now than when they came out of the box.

3 Positive Tests - Dr saying I'm Not Pregnant?

Did he check for an ovarian (functional) cyst? They can give false positives on a pregnancy test and a swollen belly!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Need some research advice for stocks?

Researching stock market has been a very daunting task for the general people, in my view it should be best left to the professionals only. Otherwise it can be very risky although you sometime may earn some handsome profit but a single loss can wipe out all your profit. As you said you dont have time, means you are investing in the stock market on speculation, very dangerous and risky. I would advise you to go for some professional advise here is the resource

Is All My Children Messed Up Or What?

I feel the show is so messed up right now. First of all how can Dixie be alive when she was poisoned and there were past episodes where she welcomed people into what was suppose to be heaven. I am thinking she is held up in the same building that Erica is in and that David has something to do with where she is. That is another story line that is bugging me the one where this woman calling herself Jane is suppose to be Erica with JAck yet she is sleeping with David, i guess she does not care that she is ruining Erica's relationship with Jack. I wonder when it will end so the real Erica can be back with her family i am getting tired of that story dragging on forever. Then there is Marissa, i really liked the idea of her and JR getting back together now all of a sudden the writers changed things around to where she wants to be with Bianca instead well if not JR then i would of rather seen her with Scott and i wonder what AJ and everyone else will think now. Half the time i wonder why i even watch the show but i guess i am curious as to what will happen next and i along with many others hate the fact that it will be over in September. Yes i did hear where it will continue online but who knows how that will work out and how many cast members will actually still be part of the show. It seems to me that if it can continue online that it should still be allowed on television as well.

Knocked out teeth - reimplant them or just get them pulled?

You did the right thing especially if you are under 30. And it sounds like you had great dental work done. In the future you may need implants but you should get many years out of these two teeth. Good luck.

Re Iraq. Failed jobs program, wasted billions. And now we do it all over again?

welcome to the government mentality, bomb them, say you are sorry and give them billions. HEY BUSH!!! Come over and bomb my house! I need $10 billion in reparations.

Does anyone know where I can buy Riccota Forte? It is a stong spreadable variant of riccota. ?

Not to be confused with Ricotta Salada. I have tried Arthur Avenue but they are very expensive ($50 a pound including shipping). It has to be shipped overnight. Online stores would be an option.

I ate a lot of carbs today but I worked out a lot, did I burn most of them?

ya, sounds like you burnt it all. but if your that active every day, i dont think it will matter what you eat on one day.

Help I Dont Know What Would Happen?

If you flushed a toilet directly on the equator, because i heard it changes from clockwise to counterclockwise depending on which side of the equator you are on

My boyfriend drank lots of beer with lots ibuprofen?

My boyfriend just took lots of ibuprofen with 17 cans of budlight in his system. I did call the poison control hotline but they told me not worry unless he goes to sleep and I cannot get him to respond. What does everyone else think? Thank you

Have you ever been visited by an angel in black who gave a warning to save a life?

Some years ago, my son and I were sitting at our dining table when the door blew open and a tall figure dressed in black entered our home. He ped us and went down the hall to our bedroom where my alcoholic husband was sleeping off a binge. Even though I did not follow this figure, I could mentally hear what he told my husband,"Change your ways, or you will not be here for long." Afterwords, the figure left. Our son said he did not see anything, but felt a strong wind come in. I asked my husband if he had seen this figure. He told me that he had felt a hand on his shoulder, He looked up and saw a figure in a black cloak who filled the room. He said he had received a warning. Not long after this visitation, my husband gave up drinking alcohol with the help of a psychiatrist.

Spiritually speaking: Why do they wear that?

I'd have to agree with the first answer. It is probably the most comfortable thing they can find to wear.

What Asian horror movie should I watch next?

try rinne, yogen, shutter, sakebi, korei, ugetsu (one of first j horror) and kwaidan (old but really good!)

I am writing a book about hunters and mythical cretures and I need a name for thier world.?

I am leaning towards a certain name right now, but I need some more options. The world includes Vampire, Fairies, and Chimeras. Werewolfs were a part of this world before they went extinct over 500 years ago by the hunters. Anyways, I like the name Night World and Underworld, any suggestions?

Why don't I mind that hes using me?

I've been fwb with this guy for about a year. We're both in college and he says hes just to busy, heart-broken, scared, etc, to have me as his girlfriend. Mostly it's that he gets and doesn't have to worry about anything else, not that he'd ever actually admit it but whatever. We use both the pill and condoms to make sure nothing happens, at least as sure as we can get. We have been very off on and on, me leaving him several times to try and pursue a real relationship with no luck and then returning to him. We are very fond of each other and enjoy each others company but it just hasn't, and probably won't, develop into anything serious. Yet I don't mind. Being with him, though off and on, has been the longest and most exciting relationship I've had even though it's not really a relationship at all. Is there something wrong with me? I know I can't know if he sees other girls (he says he doesn't) and I can't ever go on real dates with him. I only see him once or twice a week. But I like being with him. Is this wrong?

I am overseas and lost my drivers license can I apply for a replacement online?

I am out of the country and lost my texan drivers license, can i order a replacement online so when I am back home it is already there waiting for me?

How do you win like Charlie Sheen?

I head Charlie Sheen was doing some INSANE winning right now because that's all he said on his interview and also his tour was really successful I heard. I just want to be popular and successful like him. How do I do this??

I'm becoming a door supervisor (I live in northern ireland)?

so basically I live in northern ireland and in a few days I'll be getting trained up for the job, but my dad says its a bad idea, because he says that northern ireland security (bouncers) are ociated with UDA or something and it wouldn't be a nice bunch of people to get involved with, I don't know if this is true, I can't find anything on the internet about it and was wondering if anyone knows anything about it, thanks

Can you use any tripod for any camera?

Im interested in getting the Canon PowerShot SX30 IS, and i also want to get a large tripod. Can i just get any tripod or must the tripod be built to fit the camera/

What are your thoughts on this?

Amen. Build the fence and kick out the illegals. Start with the gang members, criminals, drug dealers, and welfare recipients. Then sort out the rest.

Can I place my hope in God?

There is no god. We are biological machines, but we do have free will. Just as you chose to create this question. Nothing is predetermined. Things like love, life, fun, and happiness are all meaningful, and you don't need to lie to yourself or put your faith in an imaginary being to attain any of those.

Can Crosby Break the nhl playoff record for most goals?

I think he can only get the record IF he plays the Canes next round, and then the Hawks in the Finals. The Caps defense was pretty bad and he got a lot of rebound goals. I do realize that he was always in the right spot to put in the rebounds, but these other defenses he will be playing will be able to box him out better. If the Pens get the Bruins, I think they'll be able to contain him.The canes wont be able to like the Bruins. The Hawks play a more open offensive game and he'd be able to score a lot in that series. This is obviously only if the Pens get past the next round...

How is it that liberal cities can choose to ignore federal law without penalty,?

(sanctuary cities) but when a state enacts a statute to enforce existing federal laws they are called racists and unconstitutional. What is constitutional about selectively enforcing laws? How is it that they are not racists in that 95% of illegal immigrants are of mexican/central american decent?

Should I get a MacBook pro 13 i5 or ipad2?

Hi I need either of those things and please do not say that the iPad is a oversized iPod touch the reason I am considering a iPad 2 is because of it's 1GH processor I am going to use either things for iMovie Internet microsoft word exel PowerPoint by the way live in N.Z Auckland also need for school projects

My ex is affecting me.?

You obviously do not love your husband like you claim to.If you loved your husband and truely appreciated all that he does for you then you would not be thinking about your ex.Your ex is your ex and you should have cut all ties with him.You are playing a dangerous game and if you want to lose your husband you are on the road to it..Why don't you tell your husband how you feel and that your ex is txt messaging you and see what he think's about it..Like I said you are playing with fire and it is only a matter of time before you get burned.I am not saying this to you to be mean I am just telling you facts of what is going to happen..You are on the verge of losing all the good thing's you have...Most importantly a man that adores you don't crush your husband like that you should have more respect for him if not for yourself..

A couple questions for women...?

So close to a year ago I was a jerk I'll admit beyond jerk, and an alcoholic therefore I did not have the physique I have today, however I seemed to find a lot more women interested in me. I was not myself and did not treat them as I should, I was just selfish. Why now that I am a much much better person, nicer (still have some habits I need to break but work on them, and recognize them) and have a body that I dreamed of having, sober, and an IQ of 144 again I do not find anyone interested? Are women scared of a pretty built guy? I mean I'm baffled on this situation, my exes don't want anything to do with me and I really care about all of them. I wonder if I scare them? Another thing I did want to ask was the girl I have dated recently was an elementary school crush and it was mutual. It was awesome for about a week then three weeks later it went down the toilet. I want to be friends with her she absolutely wants nothing to do with me, because I saw she wasn't ready to be in a relationship and saying that pissed her off and I had to wait for her to end it so she could realize it herself. Obviously I was hurt and I did unfortunately hurt her out of hurt but she just would not discuss this with me. She said she forgave me but it was in her best interest that I just stay out of her life and not be anything, she said and I quote "we weren't friends before what would be any different now" I mean ouch. I'm a genuine old school kind of guy and therefore when I said I am still breaking habit I mean impulsivity and hurting out of hurt those I love and care about and want around. So my question is what would make her decide to pretty much treat me as if I were dead, where only the thought of me if that remains in her head, would she ever talk to me again from a woman's standpoint here? Sorry this is all jumbled up but hell its 2:30 and all this and then some has been bugging me for a month now.

Atheist Americans: Do you feel compelled to protect minority religions like I do?

Even though I disagree, sometimes severely, with these groups, freedom is very important to me. When the real persecutions come, I hope that we will support each other, despite our differences...because if history has anything to say about it, the good times will eventually end.

Since the equator runs through the middle of brazil which is warmer north brazil or south?

Actually there's a really big area of Brazil that is south of the Equator. There's also part of it south of the Tropic of Capricorn. So even though northern Brazil is really hot and humid, there are some places in the south that get pretty cold (below 30 F)

Why are amended BCs so criticised?

Amended birth certificates are criticized because they are fraudulent. And my name on my OBC wasn't "Baby" anything.

Would it be a bad idea to have a hair stylist pick a style for me?

Go to and get a consult. If you go to a more upscale stylist you will probaby get more origional ideas. Your basic $15 place will probably have a more limited bag of tricks. If you have an idea (and a picture) of what you are going for it may go quicker. Let them know what you prefer in length, and how much time you tend to spend on your hair each day. Once you have something you like you can go back to cheaper places if you want and either have a picture of the haircut or be able to describe it. They should be able to get it fairly close, or just keep going to the more upscale place.

What if WE as humans are the building blocks to something bigger?

Philosophically, this is a nice discussion, but biologically, it isn't all that attractive. For one, we just have no evidence to support the idea that there is anything more complex that makes up the quark, for example. So our understanding, with loads of evidence up to this point, has the atom, the molecule, then compounds, etc in the level of complexity. It is an interesting concept that the earth is merely a particle in something bigger, but the interaction of that particle and the role it plays, are complete unknowns to us, and completely unsubstantiated by our study of the planets and galaxies around us.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do you see this? This week has a unique feature as two debutants score century in their very first matches?

Comparision is not justified as both have played at different places and against different set of bowlers and fielders.

Why do CEOs make 400 times more than average worker today compared to 50 times more in 1950?

Because the average worker is paid less today than in 1950 adjusted for inflation. A lot of middle manager/supervisor/skilled manual jobs have been dispensed with thanks mostly to Information technology and the de-skilling of manufacturing jobs. Profit maximization strategies eliminate middle cl layers of management with CEO of course being one of the few jobs that can't be replaced by technology.

I'm lookong for an old boyhood friend I havent seen in over 40 years. His name is William Joseph.?

We grew up together in Chester, Pa. I know he moved to Delaware after high school and went into the Navy. His family was originally from upst ate Penn. and he may have moved back there at some point. He was a great kid and I would love to meet up with him again or find out what happened to him. He would be about 65 years old now. Anyone who has info on "Billy" or who knows him please let me know or tell him that an old friend is trying to get in touch with him.

What do u think of what the nurse told me?

okay...im thinkin im pregant because i am 2 weeks late...i went to a nurse today and got tested...she tells me that its too early to tell and that the test was inclusive. And that I should get tested again in another two weeks...now this wouldnt be my first pregnancy, but geez, i have neva missed a period in like foreva and they are rite on target...cud I not be pregnant? I need other opinions...oh yeah I do not have any major symptoms like going to the bathroom continuously...i just dont know...wat do you think?

What is the best way to get CHEAP last minute airfare to Mexico?!?

I am trying to go to Mexico City on Friday and coming back Aug 14th. I am young so not sure what the best way to get a cheap ticket is b/c as of now all the travel websites are charging $700+ for that flight.

Help looking for a specific Swarovski Crystal Necklace?

I'm trying to find a particular necklace and ring set made by Swarovski about a year ago. The ring and necklace both were dark colored stones, black, red, purple, with a tiny bird inside of a "cage" (The cage was really just two criss crossing rings). Apparently they take the old collections off of their website when the new ones come out but I can't even find a picture of it anywhere else. I think it was only a year ago but I can't be sure and I'm kicking myself for not buying it when I saw it and at this point I'll just be happy if someone else knows what I'm talking about because I'm starting to think I made the whole thing up.

Rust removal, prep on 85 Chevy truck-- I'm TOLD it's now so easy a caveman can do it. True?

Visit KBS Coatings website for good advice. The products do as they say. If you're talking about 12 sq ft. or less....get their KBS system sampler with RustSeal for about $16... a real best buy! It has a cleaner, metal prep and 8 oz of paint. RustSeal goes on thin and covers 12 sq ft in 2 coats. RustSeal is selfleveling and brush marks flow out nicely. You can topcoat with your automotive paint. Rustseal will sand nicely w/o gumming up.

Do you think Phoenix will retaliate on game 5 to get Duncan suspended? Stern does favor San Antonio it seems.?

they will try. especially that dirtbag raja bell, he will try to clothesline someone like he did to kobe last year. but tim will raise his mighty hand and strike down all the nay sayers. suns got what they wanted anyway. robert horry will not play the rest of the series ... cause the spurs are going to win the next 2.

What is the best graphics card compatible with Windows 7 under $100?

Desktop PC's usually can use add-on video cards. Laptop PC's usually have no graphics card upgrade capability other than what comes from the factory when it is built.

Help! nephew gone crazy?

Try putting him in a time out whenever he does it. He is two years old, and most likely, he will have gotten past this stage when he starts school. If there is something he really likes (like tv) then punish him by taking it away. There are others ways to discipline a child other than . Don't worry. You probably haven't ruined him! Two years olds tend to act up. That is why they are called the terrible twos!

What is the genetic make of modern day Scottish people?

In genealogy it sounds like a stupid question, as genealogy is about researching ancestry via cited written records and has nothing to do with the genetic make up of people in Scotland or anywhere else, nor do we research about the Picts and Gaels...we have enough problems finding quality records up to 500 years ago let alone prior to that...................search online for DNA testing of Scotland where you may ( or may not) find some information about this....the BBC history websites are a good place to start

Are my fingers stupid?

I have the same kind of problem, only my whole hand is screwed up. My fingers don't move all the way unless another one is also moving. Like if I touch my middle finger my ring finger has to move also, I can't hold it back. My dexterity is terrible, but there is no harm in it. My primary doctor, chiropractor, and neurologist all know about it and there is nothing seriously wrong, that is just how it works.

What r ur lockdown predictions who would win?

i think team 3d will win and suicide, awesome kong will but u never no taylor wilde might, abyss cuz he has no feel for pain god only no's bout the rest

What are the typical boundaries of a FWB relationship?

fwb's are intended as ual relationships only. no strings attached, no committment. hooking up simply to hookup. and yes, ting, skype, etc., etc., is all typical of a fwb relationship.

Can our buyer representative's negotiate a house that he listed?

It is not a conflict as long as he tells you that he has the listing. It will mean that he will get double the commission for selling the property. The seller of that home entered into a listing agreement with the agent, probably agreeing to a 6% commission. That 6% is split between the listing agent and the selling agent (buyer's agent). In this case, he would get the full 6%. If you are uncomfortable with this situation, you can ask him to refer you to another agent in his office. He will still get a referral fee from the referred agent, but you will have someone that represents you, not the seller. If you are not too familiar with real estate, I would recommend getting your own agent or having this agent refer a coworker. Remember that this agent has signed an agreement with the seller to have their best interests in mind when negotiating a contract.

If Obamacare is so horrible why do most doctors support it?

How are most delegates "most doctors"? That's like saying that most Congressmen are lawyers, therefore most Americans are lawyers. They're representatives to a body and this is not a poll.

What animal(s) have the same Genus as the Snowy Owl?

I'm doing this project for biology and i needa know how many different animals have the same genus as the snowy owl, which is Nyctea. And if there is none, then what are some animals that are closly related with the snowy owl?????????????

Cincinnati Reds- 2010 Dark Horse? (Long Read)?

in 2 years, maybe only 1 that Rotation will be the best in baseball. Cueto, Volquez, Chapman, Bailey, Leake, and Owings are all young and will be 15+ win pitchers. Hard to say which one will end up in the bull pen though. The offense has the best young 1st basemen in the league Joey Votto and Jay Bruce will be a 35-40HR hitter. Awesome infield, great outfield. They are my dark horse for the Central. But this years team is young, next years team should be a big surprise to the Cardinals

Why does the world not wobble?

1st off, I am only prejudice against people that treat me like dirt. But being humorous, with all the people in the Asian area I would think that as the world revolves at some 1,000 miles/ hr.+ that it would have some wobble to it.

It is okay to love someone who disrespect me?

I have an affair with a young gentleman for about 3 month. He a good guy at home but when we go to the public he misbehave (beat me for no reason) I ask him when we get home why he behave like that he said"I was jealous". What can i do?

Do commercial fishermen get paid according to scale, or do they share in the net profits?

They get paid according to scale. Which is great when they are filled to the bream, the profits just stream in.

Old rabbit and male guinea compatible??

I suggest to out them together I also have a guinea pig and a rabbit together and let me tell you they are the best of friends Its funny because if I take the rabbit out of the cage the guinea pig just starts whining making those sound it funny. But really I think they will be fine together I never regretted putting them in a cage together. Just becareful because once in a while if the rabbit upsets the guinea pig it will only nip at it but you can catch theam in time because before it nips it chadders it teeth together but that has only happened about 2 times in the last 4 years.

"out of memory at line:247" what does tis mean??^^?

tis message box pops up saying that whn on the internet and tis happens sumtimes..... and the numbers changes like it'll be105 or 240 and don remember others..^^ does it ev to do wth my internet connectivity problems or wht else? and whn that msg pops up my connection goes wired but goes bak 2 normal instantly..any ideas? why tat coms up?.... thx ppl^^

Virginia Tech macre?

of course the professor did the right thing. Don't you see what an unselfish loving act he was doing. He was blocking the door with his body so the gunman couldn't get in so his students could get away out the window. What a hero this man was! If you mean will it go down in history as in will my grandchildren be able to read about it in their history books, probably. It was the worst m shooting in an American school (thus far). The killer went to the second floor because he knew exactly what he was doing. He plotted this months in advance, as evidenced by his buying of the guns and ammunition two months earlier. He knew where the "rich kids" were taking their cles and at what time.

Any solutions to fixing my car?

Car parking lights and dashboard lights will not come off after i shut off and take the keys out. In effect the chime alert will not stop. I have taken the chime and dashboard fuses out for a temporary fix. Although my driving lights are still on. Anyone have any suggestions?

How can i install language support if i don't have a win 2000 prof fessional edition CD?

i have a second hand PC with Win 2000 professional edition, i don't have an installation CD though. messages in cyrrilic are not displayed correctly and when i try to "encode" i am asked for the language support cd... please help!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why am i always hungry when i go on the computer!!?

cause when u go on the computer its your main tendousy to get food so like do something else besides computer like a lot of people when they watch TV want food but if u focus on somethnig else u wont be as hungry

Why do people judge looks so harshly?

Its okay to judge looks,but not in a cruel mean way(No one can really help what they are born looking like). This girl in my cl was looking around the cl saying rude things like, He okay, he aight, uh..he just ugly.Im like,***** you aint a 10 ya damm self.Why do girls do that all the time,i cant stand the ones who are like that.They get on my mother F'N nerves

I need a translation (English or Espa�ol) for the following letter which is in Russian:?

ohh do u really think that many people speak russian. go to the russian site and ask for a english speaking person who knows russian too! hope it helps!!!

How long can I work in France Without a Work VISA?

I'm scheduled to Leave for France the 1st (I've already bought airfare), but won't get my VISA until a week or two later. Can I work in France for a few weeks without the VISA? Can the French Embey in the U.S. just mail me my VISA?

Super Multi (LG) EXTERNAL DVD WRITER -help please!?

Hi, Windows xp has its own software for burning cd's. if you open one of your files up you should have the option to 'copy to cd'. This was how i cured the same problem on my sons computer whan nero wouldn't recognise certain file formats. Hope it works for you as well. Regards.

What do you think so todays generations are going ?????

What do you think so todays generations are going, this net has made our youngsters addict to net, what can u say about this net, do agree net provides goods things also, but todays generations are giving less concentration to good things instead of bad things, nobody cares where our todays generations are going, pls. think twice before answering to my question, it is not at all a TP or time p or anything or it is not PJ, i think so u all got it, so pls. dont give harsh answers, i want genuine answers, which should carry some sense in it.Just dont do TP by answering this question, if u want to do TP take as many questions as u want, there are many TP's available, so what u have decided, so why u r waiting, do give answer for the point which i have raised and again think twice before giving answer. Be genuine in your attempt and be generous.

Should i get a sugar glider?

i need to know all about them and if they are good pets. also what is the proper name, someone told me water glider, but i think its sugar. do i have to get 2? i need some facts please

Why does it seem like the Kardashians aren't close with their stepbrother Brody Jenner?

I mean the Kardashian's mom (Kris) married Bruce Jenner when they were little kids. Bruce had 4 kids and the 8 step-siblings all grew up together practically. They all share half-sisters Kylie and Kendall. Why is Brody barely mentioned on their show when he's already famous? And the Kardashians weren't ever spoken of on the Hills either. There's never any pictures/video of them hanging out and Brody didn't even go to Khloe's wedding. I can't imagine them being friends, let alone siblings.

Pokemon platinum question?

There are a few events because if you go to pokemon.com right now its based on platinum you could get a legendary pokemon doing those events so check every few days.

Does this mean he has no conscience or guilt?

this guy that was in the fraternity has been accused of date . he slipped a roofy into a girls drink and she ped out and he had his way with her

Will buying a new video card reduce lag?

Yes of Course! Your computer comes with a integrated graphics card, which means a card built-in on your computer and has limited graphics power. It would GREATLY increase your frame rate, reduce your lag, and best of all no lockups! Below are links to graphics card you can get for your PC, considering that you have a PCI-Express card.

What do you think this dream means? :)?

Last night i dreamed that my best friend since 4th grade was crushed by a boulder sized meteor. The meteor hit him then rolled off him, it completely flattened him but didnt leave a crater or anything (also wasnt any blood or anything). I was flipping out thinking he had to be dead and I didnt know what to do. But a guy ran up and gave him cpr and somehow he was ok. he said his chest was sore and thats it. I was really relieved but also confused at how that was possible. then i woke up. :D It was very frightening during the dream but when i woke up i started laughing my **** off. Is it a sign that he is going to be crushed soon? :)

Taco Bell 7-layer nachos?

I remember a few years ago, Taco Bell had 7-layer nachos for 99 cents. Do they still have this item on their menu? Thanks!

My forehead has these lines on it?

they kinda look like a tick-tak-toe board there are verical line and horizontal and they arent really noticable i just was looking in a magnifiys mirror but i can see them in a regular one too. and i dont think they are wrinkles cause im only 15 so yeahh any ideas?

Redskins 13th Overall Pick?

Of the three, they need someone to take advantage of the double and triple teams taken up by haynesworth, so Orakpo if he's there

Where can i find a lip gloss like this that is not expensive???

http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=kim+kardashian&js=1&ni=18&ei=utf-8&y=Search&fr=sfp&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=163&w=332&h=500&imgurl=static.flickr.com/3167/2548837387_dff9fbb831.jpg&rurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/70954642@N00/2548837387/&size=95kB&name=Kim_Kardashian_1_Hollywood_Life_Breakthrough_Of_Th...&p=kim kardashian&type=JPG&oid=f6912b6e3c121016…

Can anyone suggest some good, haunting clical music to me?

A night on bald mountain by mussorgsky. It's a great piece I played it my junior year in high school. There are also some haunting parts in the romeo and juliet fantasy overture by tchaikovsky

Which of these is the stupidest question?

I do not think any of the questions are stupid. They are asked because of lack of life experience. The question asked " Vote for the stupidest question " is below the line ( Finger-pointing ) and will be my favourite.

So it seems "choice" and "freedom" are the big responses to govt. healthcare?...?

If you are a man you have a choice of branches of the armed forces you must sign up for when registering for the draft.

Swim cup mrs. Phelps, what does it mean??

There is a swim cup being sold with the USA flag and the writing mrs. Phelps. What does it refer to?

From bf/gf to fwb to just friends...any tips?

ok so my bf and i broke up about....id say maybe 2 1/2 months ago and weve had an on and off fwb relationship....were both tired of getting hurt from it so weve decided to be strictly friends...how can we transition from fwb to friends? we dated for 2 years so we are both emotionally and physically close to each other...idk what are some rules that we can establish so that we dont fall back into the whole fwb thing....

Would I look good with brown hair?

Yes brown have a variety of shades to choose from.Try cool colors in brown with red or gold undertones.Shades in warm colors are beautiful as well.If you cant go to a salon try a dark brown with hints of red.Auburn is some thing you should consider.Good Luck

My apologies if someone already asked this....but what do you think?

If you think that was bad, back in 2006 there was a guy that snuck out onto the ice during a Montreal Canadians camp practice and take a free shot on net at Jose Theodore. The guy wasn't arrested.

Have you seen seen this footage of Michael Jackson's Ghost at neverland..pretty spooky,what do you think.?

Spirits of the dead hang around for a while after death ..I saw my friend and my Dad the day after they died ...... he is unsettled I think ....

Pho Tai Chin broth??? Anyone have a good recipe?

I would like a recipe that would be as close to what you would get in a Vietnamese Resturant. Pho Tai Chin, I know it is just beef stock, rice noodles, thin brisket, and then to add as you want, lime or lemon wedges, bean sprouts, green onion, cilantro, and Thai basil & of course the wonderful Sriracha hot chili sauce (Tuong Ot). I know the recipe for the most part, but I want a good recipe for the broth, but simple, and clear (a very light broth, nothing thick or heavy).

Shouldn't we being telling Geraldine Farraro: Welcome to OUR world?

I know don't blacks, mexicans know that only white people are allowed to be politicians and the President of the United States.

Can I sell this clay?

Natural clay isn't worth anything to anyone besides really poor pot makers and sculptors. You might get some to take it away for you for free...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Are peltier elements (TEC) waterproof?

I need to heat melt a solid into a liquid. Will i be able to do this by submerging Peltier elements into the base of the solution?

To be specific,did read somewhere that the coin was invented to stabilize the economy?

the coin was invented to stabilize the economy and the silver coin had an significant value to it.my question was economically how did he do that? It's a myth or an symbolic thing for state of mind of people or really did work as a trade source for commercial industry as real money?

Me and my friends are making a project about a clothing store in LA?

i think u shud do L.A. Couture b/c its sounds really pretty. also the others sound like wanna bees so ya and for L.A.s finest it cud b anything

My truck and overdrive?

I agree with Rick. This on changes your basic gear ratio. From 1:1 (off) to 2:1 (on). If you have this function on in city driving. The transmission will constantly have to be shifting up and down. Causing excessive wear on the gears and create heat. Which in turn puts more stress on the . Use this function of having your overdrive -ON- only on the highway 65 mph or higher. This is a gas saving feature for highway speeds only. It does not good in city driving.

What does enhancement mean in, "The 10mm lesion in the right aspect of the T3 vetebral body exhibits enhanceme?

I had cancer 6 years ago. Now we are wondering if it has returned in the spinal column, specifically at the T3 level. It could possibly be a hemangioma, but I dont get in to see an oncologist for over 2 more weeks and don't want to wait that long without at least knowing something more. Note to all, don't get cancer in the summertime when all the doctors are on vacation. what does it mean "exhibit enhancement".

How good is my fantasy football team (I'm 6-1)?

Your team is pretty stacked. id give it a 9.7 on a 10 scale. The only position that could improve is your D/ST, but with how the Redskins have been playing on D lately, thats not really a weakness, its still an 8.3 out of 10 in that category.

How does the term Greatness apply to political leaders?

The term Greatness does not apply to any leader. It seems now days the term that best fits our leaders is "SELF SERVING"

Why did Barack renew the Patriot Act lol?

Easy,,,,,wire tapping ease-dropping and violating civil rights are only bad when a Republican is driving.

What is a "super-delegate?"...why vote anyway?

Super Delegates are individuals selected by the Democratic Party. These individuals are generally long time loyal supports. Many attend meetings locally as well as the conventions. In as much; the most highly recognized Super Delegates are past and present elected officials(Governors, US. Senators, Former Presidents, State Senators, US/State Congressmen, Mayors, etc.)

Can anyone tell me what is now happening to my body since I stopped smokin cigarettes 1 months and 27 days ago

Your body is thanking you! Thats what its doing!! Good job! Your body is actually trying to repair itself and get rid of all the damage you did to your lungs. You are in the process of becoming a healthier person.

Omfg plz help me...?

you basically need to explain to her how much she means to you... tell her that u realize you've been taking her for granted BUT THEN CHANGE. show her how much you care. dont let her get away, goodluck bro.

How to cloth a new body?

I have always been pretty small, wide hips, but skinny. size 3-4 or 5-6 and about 115-120 lbs. Well, that was two years ago anyways. Over the past 2 years I've gained a good amount of weight. I've always been a little bigger on the bottom, which is even bigger, but now i've started to gain weight on my belly which is totally new for me. I'm at about 157 lbs. Now I know it's my fault and I'm not gonna complain about it, and I'm really not too upset about the weight. My husband doesn't mind, he seems to like me just as much, maybe more. So since he doesn't mind, neither do I. But lately I've started to realize I don't know how to dress this body! Before I could wear anything tight and low cut and it looked good. I really can't pull that off anymore. I hate trying things on, especially since I dont reallt know my size so I've just been cover up in oversized shirts. This isn't me! I've lost my style. Anyone know how to dress a 150-160 lb body???

Rev. Wright Lashes Out At FOX NEWS! What do you all think of that?

That's good news for FOX. A radical racist anti-American who uses his church to hatemonger on others hates FOX News. They'll probably use that in an advertising campaign.

Did Jim Kelly ever get accused of hitting his then GF Jill?

Did Jim Kelly formerly of the Buffalo Bills Football team ever get accused of hitting, or some kind of abuse towards his then GF (Jill)? this happened shortly before they had Hunter. reason I am asking is because I have a bet with a coworker, and he says no, but I swear, way back when, like late 80's or early 90's, there was an incident...can anyone give me some links to prove it happened? I dont think he was ever charged.....

Burning Smell in Audi A6 After Being Stuck in Snow?

you probably burned your transmission fluid if you were rocking back and forth for 10 min. i highly suggest you play it safe and get your trans fluid changed.

What does "Vision does not grasp Him" [6:106] mean............?

This world is dimensional. We have only eyes as the window to the world. Other senses cannot grasp beyond eyes movement. I understand this from a quranic verse that says our eyes will be pointed forward (like blinkers to the horses).

Does anybody know of any good websites that will help me with sentence structure and using good vocabulary?

I need to be more articulate with my writing. And am writing an essay that I need a high grade in ..but my writing is letting me down. I am a degree student but for some reason my essays dont show that!! Although when i speak i come across very articulate its just my writing. I babble alot.

A masculine but sensual tattoo?

Well, I'll tell you what I think. If it's gonna be alluring to women, it's all right if you put it there, I suppose, but it would be better if it were a tattoo that didn't have anything to do, particularly, with it's next door neighbor. Women tend to be less enticed by the visual, than do men, and keeping sensual things to a minimum will probably be your best bet. Something you might consider 'sensual', may not strike a woman that way at all. If it just took up residence there, as a part of a larger piece, I would think would be your best bet. Something that shows a lot of feeling, or sentiment, would likely be a better bet. But that's just my two cents. It's still your money, your skin, and your ink. Get what you like. Take care.

Why We Experience Peace From Nature?

This is an interesting and thought provoking read. I think what you need to realize is that nature is more resilient than we think it is. And that we have discovered species of living creatures that once were extinct or even new species that we found no evidence of ever existing in the past.

Criss Angel...?

Is he for real? Are the stunts he does for real? I mean, can a man seriously float over the empire state building? Or can a man seriously get cut in half and still live??

Do Small Family Owned Businesses Have to Pay Time and a Half?

I was just curious because I place I worked didn't pay time and a half and they paid cash for the extra hours (I think to try and avoid having to pay time and a half). I live in Arizona if that matters. Also if I report them for that, do the employees get penalized as well?

Is you glad the talented metal singers John and Edwood are still in x factor?

I tink they the future of metal music they better than the Jonas Brothers and they is metal legends!

Bach Rescue Remedy question?

I'm looking into White Chestnut, for "Unwanted thoughts, mental arguments", does that include repetitive thoughts? I'm pretty sure I saw on one site that it does, cant find it now though and if it does, does that also mean regular repetition from stress? or does it mean negative repetitive thoughts? I do need it for regular repetition, its driving me crazy and keeps me up at night and gives me headaches, so that would be great if it does! = P Thank you = ]

How i breathe through nose?

i always mouth breath, and i always inhale insects and dust and stuff, how do i modify to breathe through nose instead changer. the nose hole smaller, less bugs into. muchos gracias! ^^

What lizards go in cages?

I am looking to maybe buy a big lizard cage, depending on what type of lizards can go in there. Nothing that gets too big though and how does it feed won't stuff escape from the cage? 5ft tall and 4x4 width and length. That is the size. I know i could put Iguana but they get too big don't they? anything else I could put in there? Sorry I have been asking alot of ?'s here in the reptiles section. Thanks

What is the best value for money netbook for simple school work?

Ok so I think I am going to need a netbook for school and I was just really confused about what one to consider. Someof them are really cheap, but I dont want it to crash after a year or anything. I am probably going to be using it for researching (basic web browsing), facebook (lol), msn, itunes, and word and excel. My price range is anything under $500, and I understand this does limit my choices a lot. Also on the harvey norman website, the prices they list are cheaper than the ones listed on the manufacturers website??? Anyway, value for money is what I need. What is the best netbook out at the moment under $500 that is sold in Aus and can do what I need it to do and not break down in two seconds?

Help writing and balancing this chemical equation?

For my chemistry homework, it says Ammonium Nitrate produces dinitrogen monoxide and water. So would I write it as NH4NO3 => N2O+H20? I'm lost. Thanks~

How do I get taco stains out of my muumuu?

Lol... Taco Stains are proof that you've lived and know how to have fun. Kind of like war scars... Let them set.

Okay, so how bout this..choose 2 of these 3 names to remove from my fave list?

Vanessa Rose & Chloe Sienna are my least favorites. I LOVE Leah - Don't you DARE take it off your list!

Does nausea and feeling generally unwell have anything to do with going into labour?

Hard to say. Hope you are not getting sick right before the baby comes. You can always call your doctor or hospital and if they think its best for you to come on down then they will let you know.

How do i defrost charters in Spongebob's Big Adventrues the frozen tundra?

on the screen where you login or press play it says code in the bottom left. enter jellybean and then the frozen tundra works. then push a character toward the sled. red circles will show up on the ice they are in. click on where the circles appeared and the character will be defrosted.

Did I do the right thing? Need Ans from older crowd?

My bf and I were together for 2 years and a half, and we just ended our relationship. Prior to this break up, He wanted to break up with me then wanted me back and I took him back because I wanted to give us, him, a 2nd chance; because to me everyone makes a mistake. Therefore, we continue our relationship and 6 months later he was gradually not acting himself. He wouldn't treat me as if I was his gf, he didn't want to hold my hand, he didn't tell me he loves me, I mean all of this adds up. I was getting frustrated because i feel like i deserved better, I love him and talk to him about this issues but it didn't change. So He called for an indefinite break, and I didn't want that becuse its unfair for me to sit around and wait while he doesnt know what he wants-- I am not going to be his plan B. He tells me he wants to try new things, explore, travel? And I guess I can't stop him from doing that. My problem is that I love him and miss him but hes not willing to change. we r both 21.

To Pats fans: Who would like to see a Patriots vs. Seahawks superbowl?

I actually wanna see a Patriots vs. Seahawks superbowl. They haven't played the Seahawks this year... or ever? Huh... I'll have to look that up. This could be really hyped up. I mean... Mike Holmgren was the last head coach to beat the Patriots in the superbowl when he coached the Packers. And the Seahawks have Deion Branch. I think it would be pretty sweet too if the Seahawks beat the Packers and they got that playoff loss back from a few years ago and then beat the Cowboys again at their home eliminating them from the playoffs creating two really good NFC rivalries. That's it... that's my playoff scenario and that's what I wanna see happen. GO PATS!

Can someone tell me what Religion this would go under?

Believing God or at least something out there, but no hell or heavyn, when you die your spirit goes into a un-born child and you will not remember past lifes, and believe da ja vu is something similar that happened in a past life

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Essay: How was the french revolution revolutionary?

Well, the thesis has to sum up the argument that you're making about the uniqueness of the French Revolution. Certainly, you can argue how sacrilegious it must have been for the people to overthrow the monarchy when most of Europe was monarchical at the time.

Should you forgive a cheater?

I know everyone deserves some forgiveness, but should you always forgive a cheater? Are there some cirstances where it is not forgiveable? For instance a man/woman goes on a business trip and has a fling with a coworker. Forgiveable? A man/woman searches the internet for a ual partner and has a one time fling. Forgiveable? A man/woman has a five year fling with an X. Forgivable? A man/woman searches the internet and has a long relationship with another person and only stops when you find out. Forgivable? A man/woman brings a ual partner into your home and bedroom. Forgivable? Is a brief fling more forgivable than a long term one? Is an affair where the person is allowed into the home and has with the spouse in their marital bed showing more than the need for ? Is this showing some type of disrespect? If a man/woman says they truly love you would they do things which show blatant disrespect or does this show they have some type of resentment/hatred against the wronged spouse?

Where Can I find explanation of symbols on the back of my computer..for USB, etc?

Where can i find a chart, etc. that explains the symbols on the back of my PC? Like the little cactus tree symbol for USB. There are some I don't know what they are. I plugged my flash drive into a USB and nothing happens...it doesn't show up in My Computer and isn't an option when I try to save to it.

What are some really good love songs?

quite a few from moulin rouge but "your song" and "elephant love song melody" are my favorites

Aion is pissing me off too much!?

Ok I am seriously getting sick of Aion, I thought this would be an awesome game to start up and its caused nothing but a bad attitude towards me. They lack news , I have not once seen on their website news about beta's until the day of it, and the fact that I "cannot connect to authorization server" STILL and its the second day of open beta. If the game is like this at all than I am done with it, I am not about ready to play a game that is not ready to be launched on retail. Where can I find information on this ****** server maintenance and find out when I will be able to at least log in the damn game?

Michael Cole admits nobody likes the Diva Division Lmao?

LOL and Cole also made fun of Josh Matthews and said "you're a nobody, you host a diva webshow called NXT that no one watches!" I wish it was Cole and Matthews every week, he makes fun of him a lot more than King. I agree the diva division sucks now, TNA seems to be reaping the benefits since they have Mickie James, Victoria and Katie Lea.

Continuing prescription?

I just moved across the country and am currently on two non narcotic prescriptions and I'm having some trouble finding a doctor to will write the prescriptions without trying to re-diagnose me or write different prescriptions. So I guess the question is does any one have any tips for finding a doctor to just keep writing my prescription or a place online to buy the them? My previous doctor was through my university and since I've graduated she won't continue to write the prescription.

Answer the bottom question?

you are an encyclopedia salesperson. You are paid $75 per week plus $40 per encyclopedia set you sell. if you sell x encyclopedia sets in given week, you are paid P(x).....dollars?

Method of slash and burn (TEXTILES)?

All I can find is the slash and burn technique in terms of agriculture. I need to know how the technique works or how to make a slash and burn piece for TEXTILES.

Why isn't Lyle Leong on anyone's draft boards?

probably because of the system he plays in, the p heavy tech offense, sometimes that alone can make scouts shy away from him, along with his size

Harvest moon. which game should be played first?

the order of the games. a friend from a while back said it was good so when i saw this game while searching online it made me want to play it. so which game should i start with? or is there no numerical order?

Is 60kg 5'7 qualified to get a lapband surgery?

im small boned 60 kg 5'7 and im so lazy to excercise and restrict.am i qualified for a lap band or gastric byp?i want to lose weight and become skinny forever.i dont have money tho.are there any hospitals who does free lap bands/gastric byp?

Is the transit method the only way we have to detect "earthlike" planets?

Wobble method would work if you had extremely sensitive equipment, and probably no other really mive bodies in that system.

What do these numbers mean ?

The only meaning the numbers have is the meaning you as a person want to derive from your interpretation. Do you find meaning in the numbers?

Please tell me what to do!!! I need to know!!!?

So I like my best guy friend, but I don't know if he knows. We tease each other all the time and tell each other we love each other and he has seen me at my best and my worst and I have only known him for a little more than a year. I don't want to risk losing my friendship with him though. So should I subtly flirt with him? like not a lot because I don't want to overwhelm him. And how should I flirt?

'04 6mt infiniti g35 shifting problem?

i have owned my g for about 2 months now, has 38k miles on it. i am having an issue shifting from first to second only all other gears there's no problem, everytime i push the clutch in and shift from first to second, i feel it grind. i take my foot off the gas before i push the clutch i still dont know whats causing it. anyone might know of any troubleshooting tips to see what i may be doing wrong?

Cannot believe how rude hospital was to me after miscarriage?

This is definitely not a way you should be treated, even if you aren't white. Everybody should be equal, no matter the color of their skin. If it is possible, maybe go to complain to some important person in the hospital. There should be something done about this kind of behavior. Hope I helped! <3

What is the possibilities of becoming pregnant if my boyfriend had a vasectomy 6 months ago?

I have irregular periods and sumtimes im a week early or a few days to a week late. Me and my boyfriend has had unprotected about a week after my period. i have 2 kids and when i got pregnant with them it was always exactly 2 weeks after my period but this time i had unprotected a week after i started. I havent been late yet but im curious if there is a chance that i can become pregnant?!!

I'm looking for a way for safe male enhancement?

So I recently bough a suit of Chain Male armor and I like to wear it. Problem is the links keep breaking and the suit falls apart. so is there a way to enhance my male suit?

My new boyfriend is weird...?

I have a new boyfriend and we have liked each other for a long time. Im 15, he's 16. Im his first girlfriend. Hes never really opened up to anyone else before me. He gets annoyed at the little things i say. Like, i've said to him before, "my hair smells good, my legs are smooth and my face is soft." Just simple stuff like that. He told me that makes him want me more emotionally and ually. I didn't take that as a bad thing. But then he said "Yeah, so can you please stop?" I was like okay? I get that he hasn't done this stuff before. Im really experienced with guys. REALLY. How do i get him to be more comfortable? And he's not really touchy. Like, i love to flirt with guys. Im REALLY ticklish so people love to tickle me. I tried to tickle him once by poking his stomach and he told me that he wasn't ticklish. He knows im ticklish but won't tickle me at all. What do i do?